Biopsy Breast Model


The LifeLike Biopsy Breast Model is a realistic and affordable solution designed for the acquisition, retention, and perfection of basic and advanced general, vascular, and oncology surgical skills, as well as ultrasound and imaging training.

This model features six LifeLike Small Veins embedded at various depths in soft tissue below a dermis layer. Embedded throughout the tissue are two Soft and two Hard Cancer Nodules, as well as one Cyst to be located and removed. On its own, this model is perfect for learning and practicing ultrasound or other imaging techniques, dissection of cancer nodules, and other basic general, vascular and oncology surgery skills.

Category: Tag:


  • Train, practice, and evaluate imaging and dissection of cancer nodules without harming
    adjacent vessels and nerve, as well as other basic and advanced oncological surgery


Tissue Features:

  • Easy to handle and maintain
  • Ready for use anywhere
  • Nontoxic
  • Biohazard Free
  • Odourless
  • Ultrasoundable